
About XavierE

Xavier was a classically trained singer who learned the ropes to pop singing.  His love for the gym and exercise fueled his philosophies in life.  "I believe a well oiled body leads to a well oiled...well Everything!  But Xavier wasn't always this amazingly fit person, he went though his weird awkward times but with hard work and dedication it all prevailed.


Born in Brocton, Massachusetts, then moved around as a military kid with his family who then settled in Maine. Immediately after High school Xavier realized that Maine just wasn't for him so he moved to NYC to attended THE the best liberal arts schools in America for acting.  "I always knew I wanted to sing" Xavier said, "But was never encouraged to do it, until my first year in college, this is where I learned I had many talents."


After a Failed attempted in NYC Xavier E moved back to Maine and attended school At the University of Maine Orono, where he began to sing the national anthem for colleges' sports events, and attended college doing a double major in Psychology and business with a concentration in marketing.


A few years went by and he moved to Atlanta, GA where Xavier E was discovered by Atlanta Models, one of the biggest commercial print agencies in the south and began to Model. He did Magazine Print ads, Club ads, TV Commercials, Run way fashion shows, then got signed with several Modeling agencies. He then moved to Miami Florida and modeled a bit with a few international agencies going to Japan, London, and Europe. This once "Ugly" child was now doing what everyone told him he could never do.  "I was always told I was ugly, growing up in a one-sided raced stated, but now I knew I was just different looking."


Xavier then started shooting a TV pilot show called "The Ultimate Party". Which was a 8 Season pilot show for E!.  While shooting Xavier met many producers for music one in particular from a Major record label wanted to Demo him and There he fell in love with his true passion, MUSIC.


Leaving one of the hottest Independent Record Labels, Moiko Records, Xavier was the #1 selling artist who was deemed "Moikos' Price of Pop".  Xavier produced a "Pop Goes Moiko" charity compilation CD for the American Cancer Society, which combined the talents of 13 independent Artist and 15 amazing songs.  He toured the United starts opening 16 different events for the American Cancer Society, and shows of his own in the USA and over seas.  He also put out his First Pop/Dance album called "Scam Artist" which was produced by New York, City famous Sweet Rains Productions, and Real Brave audio.


In 2008 Xavier E was inducted into the Recording Academy and is still the Number 1 selling Artist on Moiko Records, with his Well produced, high energy pop sound and edginess he brings you to a whole new level.


His new single "Another Day" is out.  It is a ballad He wrote in a bad time in his life. "I remember trying to get through the song in the studio with out breaking down.  It was hard, what hurt the most is being betrayed by someone who claimed to cared about you, who you did everything for and expected nothing in return.  As the song said ....."Another Day, I am stronger now, but it's too late.  Pain it feel so bad I cant stand it, oh oh oh.  It's the Pain of Another day.""


Pop/Dance artist

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