
About Voide

Be consumed by the delicate and intriguing sound of Voide and the new ‘Evolution’ album, Swedish Electronica produced for the masses, yourself included! This is the second album to be released (previously released was ‘Space Sponge’ and the single ‘Computer Nation’ in 2007) and it continues the musical voyage to the soundscapes of Voide.


The mix of songs on the ‘Evolution’ album ranges from butter cake acid like ‘Dream Machine’ and soft emotional Electronica with ‘Miss You’ to club music like ‘Motivator’ and ‘R-evolution’ and finally topping off with ‘Computer Nation’ and ‘The Core’ to mention a few of the tracks. All this produced with a blend of the 80s sound and love for synthesizers delicately mixed with the reality of the 21st century.


Voide is influenced by early 80s synthesizer music and artists like Kraftwerk, Spliff, Yello, Depeche Mode, Howard Jones, Jean-Michelle Jarré and The Art of Noise.

Many musical ideas are also spawned by Sci-Fi writers like Arthur C Clarke, Stanislaw Lem, Harry Harrison and other well known authors. The balance between humanity, nature and technology is something that Voide finds especially intriguing and this is also reflected in most of the songs and art that he produces.


At the time of the release of the 'Evolution' album Voide is an independent artist with a bright future ahead of him. The Space Sponge – Radio Edit song (from the 'Space Sponge' album) is featured on Red Night Records compilation CD 'Electronic Surge Volume 1' that was released in October 2007. Pete Cogle of 'PC Podcast' also featured two songs in two of his very popular and unique podcasts during 2007. The 'Dream Machine' track is widely popular among Electronica and electronic music fans and it has been featured in the Triple F Mixtape podcast series and selected for Sonic Vogue Records CD compilation 'Sound of Style'. Voide is working together with Peter in De Betou at Tailor Maid studios in Sweden and Peter has mastered all Voides albums and songs released to date.


Keywords that are commonly used for Voide: minimalist, moody, expressive, German, tight, dreamy, dark, intellectual, energizing, background, 80s, electronic, vocoders, smooth, upbeat, driving, original, synthesizer, robots





It all began in 1984 when Dave bought his very first synthesizer (a Casio CZ-1000) and starting playing music for fun with some friends. At an age of 17 in 1987 he founded the first band 'Sound Machine' together with U. J. and they produced many experimental synthesizer songs, they also had their first concert in the northern suburbs of Stockholm in Sweden the same year.


1989 he was a member of the band "Repulse" and they had a concert in Uppsala at "Ungdomens Hus" in Sweden together with other bands like for example Mobile Homes. The Music at this time was heavily inspired by bands like Front242, Kraftwerk, Depeche mode, Nitzer Ebb and similar type bands.


During the 1990s he wrote many songs together with U.J in the band they named ULDA. Three CDs was hosted on MP3.com before it was closed in 2000. The music style and focus was in electronic with a mix of body, acid, psychological and experimental.


In 2006 Dave decided to actively pursue the music writing and production path and he started to work under the name 'Voide'.


In March 2007 the first album 'Space Sponge' was released with Dave as the end-to-end artist and producer.


In July 2007 the 'Computer Nation' single was released.


Add Voide to your friends list @ MySpace.Com http://www.myspace.com/thevoide


Awards at Garageband.com:


Miss You

Track of the Day on 20 Sept, 2007 in Electronica

Best Melody in Electronica, week of 3 Sept, 2007

Best Beat in Electronica, week of 13 Aug, 2007


Dream Machine

Track of the Day, Sept 26, 2007



Track of the Day on 21 Oct, 2007 in Dance

Stupidest Song in Dance, week of 1 Oct, 2007


The Institute

Featured August 14, 2007 on the Electronica front page of Garageband.com



Track of the Day July 31 July, 2007 in Electronica.

Best Production in Electronica, week of 17 Sept, 2007


Computer Nation

Track of the Day on 13 July, 2007 in Electronic.


Space Sponge (Radio Edit)

Track of the Day on 4 Apr, 2007 in Electronic

Best Production in Electronic, week of 2 July, 2007

Best Beat in Electronic, week of 2 July, 2007


Star Diaries

Track of the Day on 29 Apr, 2007 in Ambient



Track of the Day on 1 May, 2007 in Electronic


Money Control

Best Programming in Pop week of 19 Mar, 2007

Best Beat in Pop week of 19, Mar 2007


The Voide official homepage is: http://www.voide.net


Kraftwerk, Jarre, Juan Atkins, Depeche Mode, Yello, SPLIFF, Propaganda, Daft Punk, The Art of Noise, Front 242, Moby, Royksopp, The Knife

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