Thom Hopkins

About Thom Hopkins

Thom was born in Michigan in 1951. His family moved to Southern California in the mid fifties. His first guitar lesson was at the age of 8. His first studio recording was the age 13 as a bassist with top forty band the &quot;The Bach 5&quot; whose signature song was &quot;Harpsichord Player&quot; by J.S. Bach. During his 4 or more years with &quot;The Bach 5&quot; he also made appearances as a folk singer at age 15 and opened for various artists such as &quot;The Dillards&quot; and &quot;The Music Machine.&quot; He also did some studio work at Sunwest in Hollywood. As music changed Thom played more lead guitar. His style was more blues oriented like Clapton or Hendrix. In the early seventies, he was asked to play lead guitar for the progressive rock band &quot;Kingdom&quot; following the release of their album produced by Dr. Demento. He later toured the U.S. with the comedy duo &quot;The Reycards&quot; doubling on guitar and bass. Disappointed with life on the road he formed his own record company in 1974 and released a single &quot;Do You Own Your Own Soul?&quot; which can be still be found on eBay. Thom left the music business in 1976 in order to spend more time with his family. Today, Thom Hopkins has music available on <a href=";id=267937315&amp;s=143441"><font color="#fcc93a">iTunes</font></a>, <a href=""><font color="#fcc93a">Napster</font></a>, <a href=""><font color="#fcc93a">Rhapsody</font></a>, <a href=""><font color="#fcc93a">emusic</font></a>, <a href=";;tag=4thdra-20&amp;linkCode=ur2&amp;camp=1789&amp;creative=9325"><font color="#fcc93a">Amazon mp3</font></a> and <a href=""><font color="#fcc93a">Groupie Tunes</font></a>. His new album, &quot;Cloud Writing&quot;, is a small compilation of his life in music.


Beatles, Dylan, Clapton, Hendrix, Wilco, Flaming Lips

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Category: Greeting

Cloud Writing

By thom hopkins, 2008-02-29
Cloud Writing

<p>Hi, Feel free to visit <a href=""></a> anytime.</p>

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