The Sound Position

About The Sound Position

 The Sound Position 

Purveyor of electronic mastery The Sound Position offers to fans a slab of originality that breaks every mold in the music industry. Not content to follow in others' footsteps, The Sound Position finds new ways to explore the world of electronica, crafting realms of aural delight that revel in artistic distinctiveness.

Top Quality

The Sound Position is an artist that maintains high
standards of creativity. Originality is vital, of course, and any music
released as the works of The Sound Position must be of the
utmost quality. "Mediocre music, even very good music, for me has a
novelty effect. It's a bit fun for a small time, and then it starts
losing its appeal." The Sound Position strives to create music that is timeless and boasts an appeal that doesn't dwindle with time. Once a fan of The Sound Position, always a fan.


An endless list of inspirations could be compiled from all the
answers given by artists to the question, "What inspires you to create
music?" But geography doesn't always come to mind. In this case,
though, landscapes inspire soundscapes. "Growing up in the mountains of
New Mexico did wonders for my imagination." Besides that, of course,
music itself is its own best inspiration and The Sound Position
acknowledges this. "I'm inspired by other musicians I hear." But
another surprising aural influence is also noted by this top shelf
artist. "I'm also inspired during moments of silence (when I can find
them)." Whatever the muse fuel, though, the result is always
magnificent when The Sound Position is the artist in question.

The Artist at Work

The Sound Position is hard at work on new music. "We're
experimenting with electronic techniques, sounds and compositions
including the arrangement of violin in our tracks." The group is also
putting together a new DVD showcasing The Sound Position's work. "In the works is an animated DVD featuring our music and some animated graphics." Plus, a new CD is on the way. The Sound Position has teamed up with A&R Select, the hottest indie A&R firm in Hollywood, CA.


"The Sound Position is a sound choice the next time you want something smart and evocative to listen to." - A&R Select

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