Solomen was  born in Baltimore Maryland, he had a group called Supreme Court Band and singers around the late 80's. Solomen plays  all the instruments in his songs and produced all the materials. There are R&B, religious, Rap and all types of music he creates. I'm a songwriter and established BMI associate. I am working with to assist me with distribution. Solomen continues to write so stay posted to my site and you may found something you like. I have at this time songs on Itunes, amazonMP3, emusic, napster and many more around the world.  My website is free of any virus and I am also protected by Norton 360.  I would like  people to have a different kind of music songs that are very passionated uplifting and inspirational  I hope you all will enjoy my music and perhaps buy something you like. Finally, I would like to  wish everyone a Blessed Day  may God be with you!!!



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Jesus Thank You For Another Day

Jesus Thank You For Another Day

album: Single

genre: Christian Rock

streams: 4

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