Running Home

About Running Home

Elizabeth Butler and Suzanne Comeaux Bucher, the members of Running Home, met several years ago as church musicians in their congregation's folk/contemporary choir. They quickly recognized their common love for different styles and genres of music, and began writing and singing songs together. The CD project "Running Home" was started about 1999, and was recorded in between kids' soccer games, surgeries and illnesses, and family life in general. They never gave up on the project and on their dream, and were thrilled to release their first CD together.


Elizabeth. is the quieter of the two, but still likes to surprise people with unexpected humor. She plays acoustic rhythm guitar, does lead and background vocals, and wrote lyrics and music for many of the songs. She's a native of Savannah, Ga. but has lived in Texas for fifteen years. Elizabeth is very athletic, and has completed four marathons and two triathlons. Most of her running lately, though, is in between her three kids' school activities.


Suzanne is a native of Port Arthur, Texas, and is the social butterfly of the group. She plays piano and does lead and background vocals, and wrote or co-wrote songs for the CD. Suzanne is also very creative in cross stitching and cake decorating, and is now the director of the contemporary choir where she and Elizabeth first met. She's also a soccer mom, and a Marine Corps mom.


Cat Stevens, James Taylor, Emmylou Harris, Carole King

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