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ROY STONE SING'S & PLAY'S, with a Powerful yet Melodic Vocal Style, whilst playing Rythm Guitar that is sometime's 16 time's the Beat of the Music, punctuated with Lead Guitar run's that descend into musical changes & distinctive original Lead Guitar section's with singing high note's & run's so fast you'l miss them if your not concentrating!
Gig info. C.D.'s, T-Shirt's & Poster's http://www.roystone.com
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<div class="blogTimeStamp">March 16, 2010 - Tuesday </div><img src="http://x.myspace.com/images/spacer.gif" border="0" alt="" width="30" height="1" /><div class="blogSubject">Let there be Rock !!! <br /><strong>Category:</strong> Music</div><div class="blogContent">Let there be Rock !!! another track completed, well the music is down...do the vocals later in one big session <a href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vd3d3LnJveXN0b25lLmNvbQ==">http://www.roystone.com</a> <br /><br />New Track "HELLSFIRE DAMNATION" is done mostly, with a mega complex lead guitar section, kick **** verses & a dark reminder of medievil justice. Thats the 3rd song, on track for a new Album in the summer.<br /> <br />Rock Ballad "WARRIOR" is number 12 on the Musicrush Chart.... <a href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vd3d3Lm11c2ljcnVzaC5jb20=">http://www.musicrush.com</a> <br /><br />Next Track is a thing called "STONEY GROUND, a moody Power Ballad with lots of jazz chords in the verses but with its roots in Metal in a power chorus & a buzzing lead section.<br /><br />All current tracks play & dowmload on <a href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vd3d3Lm11c2ljcnVzaC5jb20vbWVtYmVycy8yNzQ=">http://www.musicrush.com/members/274</a> </div>
<div class="blogSubject">Got a complex lead guitar section to write, learn & record tommorow... <br /><strong>Category:</strong> Music</div><div class="blogContent"><br />Part of the recording of Hellsfire Damnation, the section is over a six chord rythm peice that has 3 repeats but I'm going to tackle it with 2 different lead harmonys, then finish on key meaning theres 3 lead sections to learn in 18 keys for this one, plus doing a version on which the guitar for the other verses is to recording quality too....more Tracks on <a href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vd3d3LnJveXN0b25lLmNvbQ==">http://www.roystone.com</a> </div>
<p>Making up a signed CD for a Planet Mosh Radio Show competition prize....listen to 3 Albums on <a href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vd3d3LnJveXN0b25lLmNvbQ==">http://www.roystone.com</a></p>
<p>Check out my Metalhead Radio page here.....also many cool Bands <a href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vbWV0YWxoZWFkcmFkaW8ubmluZy5jb20vcHJvZmlsZS9yb3lzdG9uZQ==">http://metalheadradio.ning.com/profile/roystone</a> </p>
<div class="blogSubject">METAL...Musicians wanted, London & S.E. UK <br /><strong>Category:</strong> Music</div><div class="blogContent">3 Albums recorded, regular Gigs, paid Gigs in Central London when Band is complete.. </div>
<p>GIG London & S.E. UK<br /><br />ROY STONE plus 2 Great Rock Bands...tonight , NEW CROSS INN, New Cross Road, (turn left out of New Cross Gate Station & its on the left)</p>
<p>Cool Live Set last night "18th Jan" 4 great Rock/Metal Bands at the Royal Victoria & Bull Hotel south London UK, ROY STONE Metal set went down well with an interview from RADIO PHOENIX Dave De La Haye to follow, broadcast times will be posteds for this, then great performances from Internal Skars. Callous & Into Exile.</p><p> </p><p> </p>
<p>ROY STONE, Rock & Metal..... Live at BAR MONDO <br /><br /><a href="http://www.musicrush.com/lists/concerts/location=LONDON+%26+S.E.+UK...DARTFORD%2C+KENT+7+Copperfields+shopping+centre%2C+Spital+Street">LONDON & S.E. UK...DARTFORD, KENT 7 Copperfields shopping centre, Spital Street</a> <br />Wednesday, December 16 2009 @ 12:00 AM</p>