ric kirk
Born in northern Indiana, Ric grew up playing accordion and guitar and was very musically active in school choirs, etc. He played in a dance band in college, and later toured professionally playing coffeehouses and the like. Moving to LA in 1982,...
Douglas Coleman
Born in Los Angeles in 1962, Douglas Coleman had the opportunity to travel the world extensively with his parents during his childhood. “ At that time, I can remember that almost every radio station where ever I went was playing The Beatles’...
Chasing Arrows
If when you think of modern pop rock n’ roll you’re reminded of that repetitive generic sound you’ve heard over and over again on the radio and you’ve been wondering ‘when will I hear what’s next?’—well you can stop wondering because here is the...
"I rap about how I live!" 9/2 Rahzino Haze A.K.A Papi Pop Off. From Newark/Plainfield, NJ
Loukas Kalantzakos
<p style="text-align: justify;">Loukas Kalantzakos was born in Athens in 1983.He begun to play the drums at the age of 15.<br />Soon after that he begun lessons at the Modern Music School with the great musician and tutor Nikos...
Jambalaya Brass Band
If you find that your musical and cultural diet has felt a little bland lately and been wondering where you might spice it up, well search no more—you won’t want to miss the master musical chefs of the Jambalaya Brass Band! These seasoned New...
Sean Sullivan
If you love great jazz and have been wondering lately where the contemporary practitioners are that are up to the task of carrying on and expanding the tradition of previous jazz greats, well wonder no more—welcome to the eclectic and engaging...