About Pierre Nelson
I am a musician who grew up in Detroit. I have been blessed to have played several different instruments. This skill God has blessed me with has afforded me the ability to Understand and hear how different instruments go together. I played in elementary , middle and high school. I played trombone and saxophone in middle school. I later picked up the guitars, then piano,and finally the percussions. I’ve loved music all my life. It has become a part of me and I have become a part of it. I have been playing for years. I will soon release a new CD. This CD will contain gospel music. The title of this CD is “Jesus is the only one”. .
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Press Release
<p>Nate Nelson's music is where music meets artistry. It gets noticed, enchants audiences, raises a few eyebrows of record executives & even turns heads. As a dynamic solo artist he captivates the generation as well as the old generation by crossing genre boundaries & reaching the souls of individuals. There's no question this artist will emerge as a talent to be recognized. His solo debut Cd "Jesus Is The Only One" ranks with some of our most notable and finest Christian Artist.<br /></p>