Pat Wisted

About Pat Wisted

I have been writing and performing my whole life A few years ago I decided to take what I thought were 13 of my best songs and make an album I did and it did very good locally it is still being played on the local radio station back in my home town so with allot of persistence from family and friends I sent the song Believe in Me to Paramount Group in Nashville and they liked it and wanted to work with it and see if they could promote it to some established artists so they did up a demo and now it is a wait and see game I still write allot but have stopped performing as much as it is a young person’s life to be on the road and I would rather write and be at home with my family not that I wouldn’t go back if the right circumstances came along But for now I will be content with putting my music on the web and hoping that people like it because isn't that one of the reason we write not so much for the recognition (that helps) but to hope that what we write touches somebody and hopefully adds some joy or makes them realize that somebody else may have went through that to Writing is a gift and like all gifts we should use it to our fullest

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