
About NewRock

<strong>NewRock and NewPop!<br />The Worldwide Artist Development Activity.</strong> <p><img src="" alt="" width="54" height="21" /> </p><p>SEND YOUR STUFF OR REQUESTS TO: </p><p><strong>European Music Group GmbH<br />Heilbronner Str.7<br />70174 Stuttgart<br />Germany<br /></strong></p><p>We realize that you put valuable time, energy, and money into your music. It&#39;s understandable that you want your music to be heard. </p><p>GET A RECORD DEAL, REQUESTS FOR YOUR MUSIC FROM RADIO STATIONS &amp; MAGAZINES, Plus More!! EMG Music is a GERMAN based record company. Our aim is simply to release &amp; promote Independent Musicians and Bands with great music we discover and believe in. The company was started in 2004! Since then hundreds of Musicians have benefited from our music promotion services. </p><p><strong>THIS IS WHAT WE DO... </strong></p><p>Do you want a record deal? Do you want to be known internationally? And do you really want to make it one day? So don&rsquo;t miss this chance: The NEW POP &amp; NEW ROCK CD Compilation is THE ultimate stepping stone for your newcomer career and it already made many bands famous. </p><p><strong>Apply now and you will possibly be the next big thing!</strong> </p><p>The Stuttgart based record label EMG MUSIC, talent scout between Germany and USA, plays a major role in the realization of this project. Since 2004, the sampler series has been exclusively dealing with newcomers: Under the title NewRock / NewPop&ldquo;, a CD Compilation is released quarterly containing at least 40 tracks of artists from different genres and worldwide countries. </p><p><strong>NewPop &amp; NewRock - TV Spot!</strong> </p><p>NewPop &amp; NewRock also provides promotional support through the European Music Group (EMG) ... as well as physical and digital distribution companies in Germany, USA, Japan and many more. </p><p><strong>How can you participate?</strong> </p><p>In case you want to participate with your band, you can do so with a classic Demo-CD to be mailed to the following address: </p><p><strong>European Music Group GmbH<br />Heilbronner Str.7<br />70174 Stuttgart<br />Germany<br /></strong></p><p>An online application is also possible. The respective application form can be found under One track in mp3 format has to be emailed to EMG afterwards. </p><p><a href="" target="new">submit your music - online - click here!</a> </p><p>The application  by mail or online  should include band photo, band info and biography. Please ALWAYS give the band name either on the envelope or in the subject line of your email! </p><p>In case you should be selected to participate, not only a release on the sampler can be expected. Thanks to numerous international cooperations of EMG with print and online magazines, radio and TV stations, many promotional actions like interviews, reviews, etc. will follow! Hitpack therefore is THE chance to increase your name recognition! </p><p><!-- --></p><p>More information about the CD Compiltation itself, the promotional campaign and the application can be found under </p><p><strong>Our address is:</strong> </p><p><strong>European Music Group GmbH<br />Heilbronner Str.7<br />70174 Stuttgart<br />Germany<br /></strong></p><p><a href="" target="new">Click here for more information on us and our bands</a><br /> or </p><p><strong>BUY</strong> <br />Amazon, Alphamusic, Abella, JPC ... You can also download most of our stuff from all the usual worldwide download stores (iTunes, Napster, Virgin Digital, Rhapsody, etc...) and get them in 4500 local stores - worldwide. </p><p><br /><strong>Add us as a friend to your MySpace and win !! </strong><br />1. a free place on: NewRock or NewPop <br />2. our monthly Special Edt. CD-Package - from EMG Music! </p>

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