Written By Jabir N. Fort


  Born Jabir N'aeem Fort in Jacksonville, FL to proud parents Johnnie E. Fort Jr. & Gloria J. Holmes, N'aeem had a normal up bringing. As a child he got the chance to learn both the customs and traditions of the Muslims and Baptist Christian religions. N'aeem never had any favoritism towards either of the religions as he grew up. His father was a brother of the Muslim faith and his mother a devoted sister of the Baptist Christian faith. This is where he developed his roots to the Christian faith but he would find out later that what he had learned was only a drop of water in a river of knowledge.


  N'aeem lived 11yrs. in the Fort Caroline Arms apartments (now the Arms) in Jacksonville, FL near Fort Caroline Road before moving to the Westside off of Beaver & Mcduff where he lived 3yrs before his father pasted away and his mother decided to relocate to Orlando, FL in 1994. Once there N'aeem met his a soon to become good friend named Doug Lowe from his neighborhood. He soon introduced him to Robert D. Kakarian and they became good friends. In his ninth (9th) grade year at Evans H.S. he met Curtis Thomas in his keyboard class, they both loved hip-hop and clicked at once and become best friends. N'aeem would bring in instrumentals and they would freestyle during free time in class. N'aeem wasn't very serious about doing music at that time but that was soon to change.


  In 1999 N'aeem and his friends formed a production group called JDR Productions and started work on their first release by the group N'aeem and Curtis formed called The Paranormals. The album was finished and released school wide and gained them a small fan base. But after graduating from Evans everyone went their separate ways. But N'aeem was determined to continue in music so he started JDR Recordings and has since released 10 albums on his recording company. In 2004 N'aeem got arrested and had to do time in jail and then in prison, during this period he had a lot of time to reflect and through his searching he came to the truth of God. So while in prison he devoted his time to solely studying the word of God, which drew him closer to God. So upon his release in November of 2006 N'aeem set out to bring the truth of God's word to a world that has not even touched the minute factors of God's knowledge.


  So through the Holy Spirit's unction he developed JDR Gospel (a music ministry), New Jerusalem Edutainment (a Record Label/Christian Store), S.P.I.T. Ministries (a Christian Outreach) & The 1st Abolitionist Church Of The Messiah (a home-based bible study church lead by N'aeem). So as you can see he is serious about his faith and because of his loyalty to God sky is the limit for N'aeem and he hopes you’re on board for the flight as he spreads the truth of YAHWEH and his son Yahshua. To Be Continued.....



Current Status:

N'aeem is currently looking for a host label for his company New Jerusalem Edutainment. He is unsigned and releasing his music independent under the NJE label.



Yahweh, Yahshua & The Holy Spirit

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