Kent Heckaman

About Kent Heckaman

Los Angeles, CA – Music producer and artist Kent Heckaman has announced that work is set to commence on his third album. In addition, he has also revealed that he is currently working with A&R Select, the premier A&R firm based out of Los Angeles, CA.

            Heckaman’s songs don’t readily slide into categories but they slip into the love of one’s hearing with the greatest of ease. Heckaman bravely constructs tunes that seem to be the mystical coalescence of post-modern folk, ambient, pop and more, all drenched in atmosphere and resonating with mood and melancholy. His compositional and production talents seem boundless.

            The lush beauty and impeccably balanced production result in crisp, moving odes that seem to spring straight from the heart. Heckaman’s captivating and ethereal songs further achieve bliss and enlightenment of a musical variety with the alluring female vocals he weaves into the spaces between his melodies.

            Songs such as “Clouds in the Atmosphere,” “Songs From Those Days,” “Lost in the Aspens” and “Through the Eyes of My Son” utilize the signature ambience of Heckaman’s sonic creations. Mingling skilled production with organic, full-flavored instrumentation and delivering heartfelt themes through touching and sometimes heart-rending but cathartic lyrics – all seen through the vision of both love and heartache –Heckaman is the creator of aural landscapes of the highest order.

            “I believe that great music begins with the quality and emotional value of the instrumentation and when combined with great vocals and lyrics … you have a song with the potential to move people,” says Heckaman, whose “potential” becomes actual with the release of each of his emotionally genuine songs.

            Writing and recording are currently daily activities for Heckaman, whose love of music keeps him ever near it in one form or another. More information is available by visiting or



Pink Floyd, Sarah McLachlan, Coldplay

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