Douglas Coleman

About Douglas Coleman

 Born in Los Angeles in 1962, Douglas Coleman had the opportunity to travel the world extensively with his parents during his childhood. “ At that time, I can remember that almost every radio station where ever I went was playing The Beatles’ music.”  It was also around this time that he developed the ability to play the piano and began to play every type of music he heard. As he grew up, he began to write his own compositions. At age 20, he moved to NYC and played in a few small clubs around the big apple. Frustrated with the radically changing music scene in the early 80’s he moved to Boston and worked for 20 years in corporate America. Still passionate about music, he set up a studio in his home and continued to write and record. “The artistic temperament and the corporate environment don’t mix very well.” Finding it difficult to be inspired creatively, and longing for a return to his musical endeavors,  at age 43 he left Boston and the USA for Thailand, settling down in a small rice farming village where he set up a studio and has begun working on his 2nd album. “I find the environment in Thailand to be very conducive to creativity and song writing. It is a very inspirational place.”


Elton John, Billy Joel, Queen, The Beatles, Gerry Rafferty

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Almost Got Reel

Almost Got Reel

album: Almost Got Reel

genre: Classic Rock

streams: 4

audio file: mp3, 3.8MB, 00:04:10

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