About Donald Norris, Jr.
Donald Norris, Jr. has been writing songs since 2006. Donald has written over 170 songs of various genres, including country, pop, folk, rock, hip-hop, rap, and gospel. Six of his songs have been recorded on CDs thus far. Paramount Group and Nashville Song Service recorded and produced his songs. Donald also published all of his songs. Donald's songs are available on iTunes, Amazon, CD Baby, Napster, and over two dozen other sites. Donald promotes Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus, Ryan Weber, and himself. Check out www.myspace.com/mileycyrus, www.myspace.com/ladygaga, and www.myspace.com/ryanweberfans.
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<p>Los Angeles, CA – To further expand the already growing fan base for his July 2008 album "Good Old Times," songwriter Donald Norris Jr. has joined hands with Los Angeles' premier A&R firm, A&R Select.</p>
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<p>Donald has released "Good Old Times" to publicize his songwriting and with A&R Select's team and vast industry resources at his disposal, his album is expected to draw attention from all quarters.</p>
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<p>The album's titular single is a definitive anthem for Norris' songwriting. With a moving mix of Spartan purity and space-filling power, the simple mix of guitar and voice resonates with emotional complexity. On every level, the song "Good Old Times" is a harkening back to the past – but without sacrificing relevance to today's intelligent listener. Yet even in its acoustic element, it boasts hooks and melodies to lure even hi-energy radio pop fiends from the bang of their club beats to Norris' heart-filled powerhouse.</p>
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<p>Lyrically, the song is rooted in nostalgia. "It expresses how things used to be and brings back memories," says Norris. Stylistically, it also points to an era when songwriting was able to captivate attention without the distraction and sparkle of dance hall textures and loud metal riffs.</p>
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<p>And the song's honesty and good-naturedness also stand in juxtaposition to the way many artists find self-expression in our post-modern times. The song, says Norris, is making a statement about traditional values and manifests itself "in a way that doesn't present anger, hatred or vulgar language."</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Norris has been writing music since 2006 and has composed more than 120 songs, five of which have been recorded thus far. "Far Apart" was written in 2006 and recorded and produced by Paramount Group in 2007. "The Hard Life" and "The American Way" were recorded and produced by Paramount Group in 2007, as well. The latest single, "Good Old Times," was recorded in 2008 by Nashville Song Service.</p>
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<p>Norris is currently seeking publishing and licensing for his music. While an excellent performer in his own right, he also aims to write music for other artists. More information is available by visiting <a href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vd3d3LmFyc2VsZWN0LmNvbQ=="><span style="color: #003399;">www.arselect.com</span></a> and www.promofm.com.</p>