Category: Bloggin
A slew of hometown performances have earned them a reputation as showstoppers. Lojakyn also shines on much of the production, DJ BROUN CLOUD showcases his other passion on the cuts and lojakyn holds it down as the host of many undrground hip hop shows thus his DJ skills are and is the perfect complement to the Live performance. In July of 2002, DEM Recordings Put out there First LP The Pilgrims of the unholyland Mix Tape The Highly Acclaimed dueo of Lojakyn and broun Released a underground master peice that gain them much respect in the Denver underground sceene..
A slew of hometown performances have earned them a reputation as showstoppers. Lojakyn also shines on much of the production, DJ BROUN CLOUD showcases his other passion on the cuts and lojakyn holds it down as the host of many undrground hip hop shows thus his DJ skills are and is the perfect complement to the Live performance. In July of 2002, DEM Recordings Put out there First LP The Pilgrims of the unholyland Mix Tape The Highly Acclaimed dueo of Lojakyn and broun Released a underground master peice that gain them much respect in the Denver underground sceene..
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A slew of hometown performances have earned them a reputation as showstoppers. Lojakyn also shines on much of the production, DJ BROUN CLOUD showcases his other passion on the cuts and lojakyn holds it down as the host of many undrground hip hop shows thus his DJ skills are and is the perfect complement to the Live performance. In July of 2002, DEM Recordings Put out there First LP The Pilgrims of the unholyland Mix Tape The Highly Acclaimed dueo of Lojakyn and broun Released a underground master peice that gain them much respect in the Denver underground sceene..
A slew of hometown performances have earned them a reputation as showstoppers. Lojakyn also shines on much of the production, DJ BROUN CLOUD showcases his other passion on the cuts and lojakyn holds it down as the host of many undrground hip hop shows thus his DJ skills are and is the perfect complement to the Live performance. In July of 2002, DEM Recordings Put out there First LP The Pilgrims of the unholyland Mix Tape The Highly Acclaimed dueo of Lojakyn and broun Released a underground master peice that gain them much respect in the Denver underground sceene..
A slew of hometown performances have earned them a reputation as showstoppers. Lojakyn also shines on much of the production, DJ BROUN CLOUD showcases his other passion on the cuts and lojakyn holds it down as the host of many undrground hip hop shows thus his DJ skills are and is the perfect complement to the Live performance. In July of 2002, DEM Recordings Put out there First LP The Pilgrims of the unholyland Mix Tape The Highly Acclaimed dueo of Lojakyn and broun Released a underground master peice that gain them much respect in the Denver underground sceene..