Brolax Bones

About Brolax Bones

Brolax Bones was born in London UK where he still resides today.He started making music in 1998 for his own listening and in 2006 decided to try and release some music professionally. He spent his early years listening to the likes of early influential iconoclastic hip-hop, soul and funk artists, which strongly influenced his own unique style. His influences include most of the Detroit Techno artist like Juan Atkins, Richie Hawtin and the old school Hip Hop wizard Mantronix through old funk and soul groups from the 80s. Brolax is a self taught artist from scratch to playing the keyboard to installing software programs like Cubase and Reason. The passion for making music is a love for Sci Fi Futuristic and Spiritual worlds which he fuses into his music.


Richie Hawtin,The Gap Band, Prince, Vangelis, Jeff Mills, Juan Atkins

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