
Girls with Guitars 3rd Anniversary Show

By lutheasalom, 2008-01-03
Girls with Guitars 3rd Anniversary Show

<p style="margin: 0in 0in 0pt" class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: 'Arial','sans-serif'"><font size="3">A last minute change to the show, previously scheduled for 8:00pm on Wednesday 5th July, rearranged because of the World Cup semi-final game. The heat was on! It had been thirty-two degrees, the hottest day of the year so far and whew, it was a hot night in more ways than one! The heat played havoc with the guitar tunings, the audience were melting and the performers had to contend with extra heat from the stage spotlights, but everyone hung in there for the duration of the show.<br /><br />The opening featured guest performer October rocked our socks off, accompanied by her sturdy bass player, having played Glastonbury&#39;s massive audiences, she&#39;s right at home on the acoustic stage and for that matter the Girls With Guitars one. <br />Next up, new comer, the beautiful Carrie Tree with tender melodies and haunting vocals, reminiscent of Mindy Smith, she has travelled the world writing songs from Sad Deserts Sky about the plight of the aborigines, to Inside Her Tears written in a pilgrimage town on the river Ganges, and Early Morning Train Ride written on a train journey from London to Brighton. We hope she&#39;ll be a frequent guest at GWG in the future. </font></span></p><p style="margin: 0in 0in 0pt" class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: 'Arial','sans-serif'"><font size="3">Catherine Rushton followed on with an array of songs penned in Nashville, Moving On Faith, the tear-jerking When He Holds Her and the already successful &quot;Read My Lips&quot; which has just been recorded by Lucie Diamond, soon to be a hit (we hope, go Catherine!) <br />After a well-earned break, where everyone escaped the heat momentarily to catch a wiff of a breeze by the old watermill on the river, we were floored by the huge smokey jazzy-bluesey tones of the gorgeous Lotte Mullan with her band. Her vocals are both sweet and raw, her songwriting is exemplary and her boys did a great job of backing her up, complimenting her style to perfection. Watch out for this little girl, she&#39;s gonna be big soon.</font></span></p><p style="margin: 0in 0in 0pt" class="MsoNormal"><span style="font-family: 'Arial','sans-serif'"><font size="3">It was not only July the 4th, American Independence Day, but also the third anniversary of Girls With Guitars (UK) and our UK founder and host Jae Avery, accompanied on stage by Jeffrey Backus on twelve-string, lifted our spirits with I Believe, then slapped us right between the eyes with her powerful political ballad Stop The World, declaring that Blair and Bush are at Sunday confession, then resolved by getting a real groove on with the funky Forever With U2. </font></span></p><font size="3"><strong><u><span style="font-family: 'Arial','sans-serif'">Finally, the beautiful and tiny but very talented Luthea Salom took the stage and captivated us all with her songs and stories of closets and new year&#39;s eve and got us all thinking with her thought provoking political rant called &quot;Accidents&quot;. Seems it&#39;s the job of the songwriter to make a stand and vent the world&#39;s voices about world events, I wonder who&#39;s listening?</span></u></strong><u><span style="font-family: 'Arial','sans-serif'"> </span></u></font>

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By lutheasalom, 2008-01-03

<strong><font size="3"><font face="Times New Roman"><strong>By Jos Betts</strong></font></font></strong><strong></strong><strong><br /><font size="3"><font face="Times New Roman"><span class="style21">There&rsquo;s a secret venue in town, that so far has survived by word of mouth, but with some great band line-ups, and a blank stage for new artists to perform, the Loft really is attracting some new, refreshing talent. The Loft&rsquo;s songwriter night is crying out to be filled with the sounds of performers such as Luthea Salom, a singer/songwriter from New York who was headlining the show tonight. </span></font></font></strong><strong><span style="font-family: 'Arial','sans-serif'"><font size="3">Luthea&rsquo;s diminutive form stands straight in the middle of the stage, one foot stamping lightly in time with the muted strumming of &rsquo;37 Kisses&rsquo;, the first outstanding song of her set. Her songs are deeply personal, and she has few qualms about giving the intimate background to her material, treating the audience to vignettes from her life. Yet her lyrics are best when she lets metaphors do the work, in the uneasy calm of &lsquo;Winter tires&rsquo; or the soaring desperation of &lsquo;Ice-cream on sunkissed lips unloved&rsquo;.<br /><br />This latest track sees her adding the nasal tones of Joanna Newsome to a vocal repertoire which at times includes the smoothness of Aimee Mann and the broken diphthongs of Alanis Morisette. Luthea definitely knows how to put an emotive tune over two chords, and her voice drives through choruses with a kind of melodic defiance which is communicated through every note she plays. Whilst some of her sentiments find expression in clich&eacute;s, Luthea Salom offers real substance and feeling in some beautiful songs.</font></span></strong>

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By FallofApollyon, 2007-12-30

<p>Hey everyone just dropping to wish you a Happy and Safe New Year!</p><p>We are currently writing new material and we are excited with our sessions.</p><p>We have some pictures we wish to share with you from our last show.</p><p>We will see you in the spring.</p><p>Peace,</p><p>Joey, Jared, Chris, Patrick and Joe&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p>

Building my house

By biggdawggg, 2007-12-22

<p>&nbsp;<a href=""></a></p>&nbsp; <font color="#00ff00"><h3>&quot;BIGG DAWGGG Displays sic skills in the beat department. This is the illest lab master to come out&#39;da hood in decades. From beatz wit dat ol&#39; scool flava to the hot high tech earth shattering drum attacks of todays dirty south. Ya boi got madd skills&quot;. &#39;PUSHA&#39;Big Woop Mag. <p>&quot; da BIGG DAWGGG IS ON DA BLOC, AND I BROUGHT YALL A L&#39;IL SOM&#39;EM.<br />DEEZ SLOW, SMOKE FILLED,RIDE 4 YO&#39; HOOD,GANKSTA AZZ INSTUMENTAL&#39;S. 10 STREIGHT HOOK-UPS. RIDE WIT ME.&quot;</p></h3></font>

<p>Im hip hop 4real,no doubt, but in a funky bluezzzy grew up on momma&#39;s corn-bread r&amp;b kinda way. </p><p>Up-lifting, soulfu, funky,whatever you wanna call it. All I can say is it&#39;s all flava baby.</p><p>Contact: JOSHUA ROWE<br /><br />Though I produced my first album &#39;BUILDING MY HOUSE&#39; alone I hope to bring out a few of the talented brotha&#39;s on my team for my next project as im currently working on my second album</p><p>Im da biggdawggg. Yeah da one and only. Ya momma warned you &#39;bout me. Born and raised in da foot hills of Low-Town where my road dawgs puts it down. The land of pistles and pitt bulls. Home of the shallow grave We do it up raw &#39;round here. No room for slippin. You got a beat, run it, and hope you dont get run off or run over. Ya dig? On da real, PUEBLO,COLORADO Is a sweet azz spot 4 real. We got what most people missed out on as a kid. Good schools, great parks,lots of cool places to kick it. But then theres that bad element,the bad seed,the ruff crowd, the people you dont wanna get too close to. Those are the folkes you dont fool with. That would be me. On da real, im invit&#39;en yall 2 to hit my spot, listin to da grooves i put on da block and by all means tell me what you think. Im a grown azz man so be real and keep it clean ok. My kids might read this ****.</p><p><a href=""></a> <a href=""></a>&nbsp;&nbsp; </p><p>BIGG DAWGGG&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Album: BUILDING MY HOUSE&nbsp;&nbsp; </p><p><br />Artist Name: BIGG DAWGGG&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Album: BUILDING MY HOUSE <br />Email address: <a href=""></a> <br />Hometown: PUEBLO, COLORADO, U.S.A. <br />Website: <a href=""></a> <br />Style of music: R&amp;B/HIP HOP </p><p>MySpace: <a href=""></a> <br />&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p>

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3 Bands And A Blizzard....

By Shadows865, 2007-12-18

<p><span style="font-size: 10pt; line-height: 115%; font-family: 'Arial','sans-serif'">Hey everyone just wanted to say we had a helluva time at Sports Time Bar Saturday night. That was a terrific birthday celebration for me (Thanks again to Bob for the B-Day shot during live wire) Paul held the feedback for what seemed an eternity as I drank the booze!!! Sounded great!</span></p><p><span style="font-size: 10pt; line-height: 115%; font-family: 'Arial','sans-serif'">Big thank you to <a href="/members/2/" target="_blank">Ryte Az Rain</a> for letting us jam with you guys. Being able to jam with you guys and <a href="/members/348/" target="_blank">Third Octave</a> (Mike, you know how to knock back the holiday cheer man!) was a great experience and we feel like we&#39;ve made some new and very cool friends and look forward to jammin with you all again.</span></p><p><span style="font-size: 10pt; line-height: 115%; font-family: 'Arial','sans-serif'">Before I forget, a personal thanks to Bob on drums from <a href="/members/2/" target="_blank">Ryte Az Rain</a>, I really appreciate you letting me use your kit. Hopefully the breaking down and loading up was easy as or easier than setting up. Thanks again. </span><span style="font-size: 10pt; line-height: 115%; font-family: 'Arial','sans-serif'">Also thanks to Don, Rod and Dave on sound and lights. It&rsquo;s a pleasure to work with someone as good as you guys. Just one less thing any of us have to worry about. Great job. Last but certainly not least is you the Fans! Thanks from not only Electric Eye but no doubt from <a href="/members/348/" target="_blank">Third Octave</a> and <a href="/members/2/" target="_blank">Ryte Az Rain</a> for coming out in blizzard like conditions you all deserve a medal!!! Thank you!</span></p><p><span style="font-size: 10pt; line-height: 115%; font-family: 'Arial','sans-serif'">Hopefully we&#39;ve made a few more fans and we hope to see you at our <a href="/members/235/event.php" target="_blank">upcoming show January 26th</a>. Check out the place and time on our site. We look forward to hearing some of your comments and hopefully we&#39;ll see you in January and getting back to Sports Time real soon.</span><span style="font-size: 10pt; line-height: 115%; font-family: 'Arial','sans-serif'">Take care</span></p><p><span style="font-size: 10pt; line-height: 115%; font-family: 'Arial','sans-serif'"><a href="/members/235/" target="_blank">Dave - Electric Eye</a></span></p>

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What the hell is a blog!!??

By Shadows865, 2007-12-12

<p><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: 'Arial','sans-serif'">HERE GOES:The first blog, what the hell is a blog anyway?? We&rsquo;re a metal band and we don&#39;t need no stupid f-ing blogs getting in the way!!! Alright if you got this far without saying &quot;who are these freaks&quot; you&rsquo;re doing well. You&rsquo;ll be tested as we continue my metal students!!!</span><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: 'Arial','sans-serif'">&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: 'Arial','sans-serif'">As a band we&#39;re doing well. In the Bio page you&#39;ll note that this band was originally founded by Carl (bass) and Rob (guitar). That is true, we didn&#39;t lie!! Paul (guitar) was added, then me (Dave on drums) and at the time I joined we had a different singer that was, well, and any way HE GONE!!!Enter Jody. Quite the addition I might say. Refreshment from what was!!&nbsp; Hence &quot;ELECTRIC EYE&quot;&nbsp;as you know it today. It&rsquo;s been a ride as all bands know trying to put the pieces they think will work in place. We feel like they&#39;re there!!!! Practice will ensue this week getting ready for our show this Saturday December 15th and expect a few new tunes We&rsquo;ll be at Halftime Sports Bar 721 independence Dr. Romeoville&nbsp;IL. Rt.53 &amp; Romeoville Rd. </span></p><p><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: 'Arial','sans-serif'">Those of you who know this band and there are plenty, thanks for all of your support (sounds like a Bartle&rsquo;s and James commercial)!!! Where the hell did those two old guys go to anyway?? The one old fart never said a word.Kinda like me!! (Yeah right)Thanks for taking a moment and reading this blog. (what the f#@&amp;), blog??&nbsp;&nbsp; Whatever!! We all hope to see you this Saturday and again in January.&nbsp;</span></p><p><span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: 'Arial','sans-serif'">-Dave&nbsp; Electric Eye</span></p>

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By FallofApollyon, 2007-12-09

<p>Hey everybody just writting to say THANK YOU for making our show at the XO UNDERGROUND a huge success(party)..We had a great time in such an awesome venue Thanks Gail. Joey will be in OHIO finishing up school at the Recording Workshop..</p><p>2007 was a very good year for us..</p><p>2008 will be GREAT! </p><p>FALL OF APOLLYON will be taking a break and writing new music.. </p><p>Look for us in Late February..</p><p>Happy Holidays too all..</p><p>Peace,</p><p>Fall Of Apollyon</p><p>Joey,Jared Patrick,Chris and Joe </p>

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New album out in January 2008!

By thevoide, 2007-12-06
New album out in January 2008!

<p>The new Voide album <strong>Evolution</strong> is due to be released on iTunes and CDBABY in January 2008. 4 songs from the album are available for online preview on most web portals where Voide has a presence.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>The latest news can always be found at;</p>

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By Bigg Meezy, 2007-12-01

I&#39;m here to represent the southside of Chicago. I promise to keep putting it down and bring that heat everytime you listen to one of my songs.

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Songs available for listening

By Third Octave, 2007-11-30

<p>Here are four of our songs.&nbsp; These are older recordings from our practice space. Please bear with the levels, etc.&nbsp; When these songs were recorded, they were still pretty young.&nbsp; Lyrics on Window and Superheat Subcooler are very low as well as the electronic drum accents on all the songs.&nbsp; Planetary Status&nbsp;and Drama had no lyrics at the time of recording.&nbsp; We are hoping to get studio time soon to produce a demo with all of those crucial parts.&nbsp; Thank You and Enjoy!&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;Third Octave</p>

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