
About BlackGandhi

The cross-fertilization of musical genres has increasingly gone global in recent years. This trend has produced many unique blending of styles that are frequently situated under the varied umbrella term ‘World Music’ and this hybridization has not been lost on its most interesting and compelling musical practitioners in Spain—Black Gandhi. Using Reggae as a launching point, in large part due to its uplifting message and the infectious rhythms that are fundamental characteristics of the genre and its essence, Black Gandhi is a group of philosophically like-minded musical stylists who play a contemporary and joyous blend of Reggae, Ska, Soul, Rock, Folk and Blues for the 21st century. Contagiously rhythmic and seductively melodic with powerful lyrics of affirmation, Black Gandhi creates an aural canvass that is a glorious celebration of life, all of which is amply demonstrated on their latest, and second, CD release, Into Light.

“Black Gandhi play a rootsy, folky style of Reggae. . . They’re a tight band, they feel their music and . . . their melodies transcend the setting. . . Black Gandhi provide the fuel for a communal fire that is rarely seen . . .”—Adam Ashcroft for Rolling Stone Magazine Middle East

Inspired by pacifist leader Mahatma Gandhi and influenced by the traditions of black music, Black Gandhi's music expresses a simple yet eloquent message, that of living a life of joy and self-awareness. Although based in Barcelona, Black Gandhi is made up of individuals from various parts of the world who see themselves as more of a unified entity that eschews an over-emphasis on individuality, which they feel dilutes their conception of the band as a unified whole, the world community ethic they espouse and the music they create.

“Black Gandhi clearly display their love of music and their own well-conceived philosophy.” —Florence Gagnon for Underground Musix News

Since their internationally well received debut CD release, Joy, Black Gandhi’s musical journey has exposed them to enthusiastic audiences throughout Europe and the world beyond. From being competitively selected to play at the South by Southwest 2011 (SXSW '11) festival in Austin, Texas, to performing in festivals and concerts in Germany, France, Spain, Switzerland, Belgium and beyond, including significant sales of Joy in Japan, Black Gandhi has continued to dazzle and entrance music listeners with their celebratory, eclectic beat—a beat that makes you want to get up and dance! The band has also been steadily gaining a reputation for great live shows by performing throughout Europe with various better-known groups, such as Youssou N'Dour, The Wailers, Kymani Marley, Concha Buika and Ojos de Brujos, among others.

“. . . [An] uplifting, joyous live show . . .”—Global Souljah for Barcelona Valencia Connect

As good as Into Light is, Black Gandhi is an amazing live act that delivers a festive celebration of music and life, reminding us why we’re compelled to come back to this transcendent, celebratory experience time and again.

Contact Info:

Janet Castiel

Redwood Entertainment, Inc.

(212) 543-9998

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