
About beatpromos

About Us

BEATPROMOS is the promotional solution dedicated and build around electronic music and its sub-genres . It was designed to generate and increase the traffic to your website . We promote music , artists , labels , electronic music related websites and last but not the least electronic music lovers.

BEATPROMOS evolved from the genial idea of pixel promotion (The Million Dollar Page), and gives you the opportunity to maximize your traffic and so to increase your music sales potential.

The website is formed by “On payment advertising pages” and “Free advertising pages”

 Every advertising page will become a virtual billboard , a fascinating art-montage and is divided into pixel blocks (50x50 & 25x25).

The pixel blocks display graphics that link back to the advertiser's website.

 What are you selling ?

we are not selling , we are renting web space .

-         We are renting valuable space on the web (50x50 pixel block) for your advertisement linked to your website for a determined period  (custom = 366 days )  and is for only onetime fee. (10$)

 -         Also we are offering free space (25x25 pixel blocks) for all our friends and followers

What about prices ?

For less than a dollar a month (to be more precise for 0.83 $) you will get your 50x50 pixel block linked to your music store or website.

Having your own 50x50 pixel block online for one year costs only 10$

 How can i pay ?

All payments are handled by PayPal. (PayPal account is not required)

 More information is available at PayPal.

 How long will it take to get my pixel block online ?

We will make every effort to place your pixel ad on the site within 48 hours  , but after your payment has been received and has cleared into our account .

The free pixel blocks will be activated within 48 hours , after we check the link and the image you submit.

We will place all ads in the order they are received

 For how long will be online my pixel block ?

The blocks on payment will be online for 366 days guaranteed.

 The free blocks will remain on line for a determined time : 60 days .

 Can I extend the period of online availability ?

Of course you can .

 For every year of extension you shall pay 10$

1 year $10  per block

2 years $20  per block …an so on. Contact us for details

 The 60 days period for the free blocks can not be extended .

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