Attack With Style

About Attack With Style

"Attack With Style" - this project has been my life for the last three years. I have given 100% dedication and loyal commitment towards composing and recording the finest music that I have ever produced. All the tracks have been recorded at my home studio using only my instruments, heart, soul and mind. After playing in bands since the age of 12 and playing concerts around the country, I still had so much hunger and passion within my heart to achieve my dreams, where previous band members had given up trying, or just weren't committed enough. I knew that the only way to achieve musical success was to become a Solo Artist and to dedicate my life to my project. The decision was made and "Attack With Style" was Born. I chose "Attack With Style" as my Artist name as it represents my personal beliefs within life, it also suits how I feel about the appalling state of most music today. Music is the love of my life, it's the only thing I've ever had that is true, it understands what I feel in every day life, and I understand music.

I want to say thank you to everyone who's checked out A.W.S and to those who have helped me get this far in music. If you have any feedback, questions or anything to share then email ( and I will answer without fail. Your support means the world to me and I will give 100% integrity and respect towards you all. Thank you. - "Ian Cahill - A.W.S "

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